paarada?shvaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word paarada?shvaa usage in english sentences. The examples of paarada?shvaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., transparent, crystalline, diaphanous, see through, clean, sheer, provident, prudent, far sighted, far seeing.

In Tata Steel several initiatives have been taken to further improve the motivation levels and participation in the decision making process of the officers, greater impetus to training through a formalised system of a personal development programme, talent review and job rotation systems, compensation linked to the performance management system, formal rewards and recognition systems, knowledge management systems linked with appraisals, leadership opportunities in quality circles, continuous improvement and value engineering programmes and an extremely transparent and credible multi-path communication system to address queries and concerns of all employees through various dialogues both formal and online, with such tools as video conferencing, MD Online , special dialogues with senior management, meetings, conferences and seminars.

Efficient operation is the aim of all prudent management.
Proper cleaning and shelter facilities for cows and buffaloes are required for humane farming, for the health of the animals and for production of clean milk as well.
And suddenly, clean and pure, the song of the whistling thrush emerges like a dark sweet secret from the depths of the ravine.
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all! Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread.
The whole thing lasted about an hour; then the poet left and we all dispersed in utter bafflement what are we doing? What is an English poet doing in a film studio which makes Tamil films for the simplest sort of people? People whose lives least afforded them the possibility of cultivating a taste for English poetry? The poet looked pretty baffled too, for he too must have felt the sheer incongruity of his talk about the thrills and travails of an English poet.
Natural gas is an important clean energy resource found in association with or without petroleum.
Let us make a mindmap of the many uses of clean water.
Women and girls walk for several kilometres to collect clean water, as you read in Chapter 1 Is it not a serious matter for human dignity? You have studied in Chapter 16 about the increasing scarcity of freshwater due to population growth, pollution, industrial development, mismanagement and other factors.
In a home or a public building generally one set of pipes brings clean water and another set of pipes takes away wastewater.
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