sahishnuta example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest सहिष्णुता sahishnuta news and headlines :
अमेरिकी धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता आयोग (यूएससीआईआरएफ) ने 2016 की अपनी वार्षिक रिपोर्ट में कहा है कि धार्मिक सहिष्णुता में 'कमी' और धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता के उल्लंघन में 'वृद्धि' के कारण 2015 में भारत में धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता एक 'नकारात्मक पथ' पर रहाlivehindustan.comअमेरिकी धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता आयोग (यूएससीआईआरएफ) ने 2016 की अपनी वार्षिक रिपोर्ट में कहा है कि धार्मिक सहिष्णुता में 'कमी' और धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता के उल्लंघन में 'वृद्धि' के कारण 2015 में भारत में धार्मिक स्वतंत्रता एक 'नकारात्मक पथ' पर रहा सहिष्णुता का मामला उठाया जा रहा है इस दौरान उन्हें यह ध्यान ही नहीं रहा कि वह सहिष्णुता की जगह असहिष्णुता बोल रहे हैं सहनशीलता और सहिष्णुता LiveHindustan
Usage and Example of sahishnuta 1. यह सभी धर्मों की समानता और धार्मिक सहिष्णुता सुनिश्चीत करता है। 2. इस सहिष्णुता के लिए मैं तुम्हें बधाई देती हूँ। 3. वे धार्मिक सहिष्णुता के दिन न थे। 4. राजनीतिक भेद-मतभेद पहले भी रहते रहे हैं पर सहिष्णुता नहीं जाती थी। 5. जिसमें इतनी सहिष्णुता हो कि।

Given are the examples of hindi word sahishnuta usage in english sentences. The examples of sahishnuta are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tolerance, forbearance, sufferance, hardiness.

Two kinds of tolerance can be mentioned that may explain these individual differences, i.e. crowding tolerance and competition tolerance.

Crowding tolerance refers to the ability to mentally deal with a high density or crowded environment, such as a crowded residence (a large number of persons within a small room).
People who are used to an environment containing many persons around them (for example, individuals growing up in a large family that lives in a small house) develop more crowding tolerance than people who are used to only a few persons around them.
This might lead us to expect that Indians in general should have more crowding tolerance than people from other, less populated countries.
Competition tolerance is the ability to put up with a situation in which individuals would have to compete with many others for even basic resources, including physical space.
Since there is a greater possibility of competition for resources in a crowded setting, the reaction to that setting would be influenced by the extent of tolerance for competition for resources.
In this photograph of her victory speech, she is saying to her supporters: “Because I was the victim of hatred, I have dedicated my life to reverse that hatred and turn it into understanding, tolerance and — why not say it — into love.
Some of the factors leading to a positive attitude are: having a fairly accurate perception of reality; a sense of purpose in life and responsibility; acceptance and tolerance for different viewpoints of others; and taking credit for success and accepting blame for failure.
In addition these plants show tolerance to higher temperatures.
ABA stimulates the closure of stomata in the epidermis and increases the tolerance of plants to various kinds of stresses.
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