sukratooyaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sukratooyaa usage in english sentences. The examples of sukratooyaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., wisdom, intellect, wiseful, mind, intelligence, reason, discretion, wits, marbles, brainpower, light, wit, head, brain, sense, mind, expertise, efficiency, dexterity, vigilance, attainment, professionalism, address, adroitness.

The sun gives light to the world.सूरज दुनिया को प्रकाश देता है|

HCL has a strong sense of social responsibility.
Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Management is defined as t he process of planning, organising, actuating and controlling an organisation s operations in order to achieve coordination of the human and material resources essential in the effective and efficient attainment of objectives.
, the outputs) then efficiency has increased.
Effectiveness and efficiency are two sides of the same coin.
For example, it is easier to be effective and ignore efficiency i.
Usually high efficiency is associated with high effectiveness which is the aim of all managers.
But undue emphasis on high efficiency without being effective is also not desirable.
After going through some of the definitions we find some elements that may be called the basic characteristics of management Management is a goal-oriented process: An organisation has a set of basic goals which are the basic reason for its existence.
A manager applies this acquired knowledge in a personalised and skillful manner in the light of the realities of a given situation.
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