humnkanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word humnkanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of humnkanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fancy, gust, caprice, whim, exaltation, impulse, capriciousness, gusto.

Besides, he might forget her, or he might take a fancy to somebody else.

He only shivered in the cold and became embarrassed when the carters jeered at him for his idleness, his feebleness, and his tattered, fancy overcoat.
This impulse travels from the dendrite to the cell body, and then along the axon to its end.
At the end of the axon, the electrical impulse sets off the release of some chemicals.
These chemicals cross the gap, or synapse, and start a similar electrical impulse in a dendrite of the next neuron.
Look at Figureure 1 (a) and identify the parts of a neuron where information is acquired, through which information travels as an electrical impulse, and where this impulse must be converted into a chemical signal for onward transmission.
How do animal muscles move? When a nerve impulse reaches the muscle, the muscle fibre must move.
Secondly, once an electrical impulse is generated in a cell and transmitted, the cell will take some time to reset its mechanisms before it can generate and transmit a new impulse.
I've taken a fancy to you, but it's just got to be done.
When an electrical impulse reaches a neuron's ending, the nerve ending is stimulated to release a chemical, called a neurotransmitter.
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