se meaning in english

से का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : से

Transliteration : se

Other spellings : se
type of flower

Identical words :

As noun :
sekh ( सेख ) - balancesekhaamrit ( सेखामृत ) - nectar as the remnant of a sacrificial oblationsengalensengulen ( सेंगळें-सेंगुळें ) - sweet made of wheat flour mixed with jaggery
As adjective :
sen ( सें ) - hundred
As transitive verb :
seine ( सेइणे ) - to coversekhane ( सेखणे ) - to foment
seuseo ( सेउ-सेओ ) - the end of a garment used as a coversek ( सेक ) - warmthsekhapaat ( सेखपाट ) - mixture of curds and kuṅkum daubed on a woman's foreheadsekhasayya ( सेखसय्या ) - the deity Śeṣaśayyā, a form of Viṣṇusekhasaaya ( सेखसाया ) - the deity Śeṣaśayyā, a form of Viṣṇusekhasaiya ( सेखसैया ) - the deity Śeṣaśayyā, a form of Viṣṇusegadi ( सेगडी ) - pan of burning emberssengali ( सेंगली ) - podsej ( सेज ) - neighbouring
Marathi to English