errakkuraichchal meaning in english

Word: ஏற்றக்குறைச்சல் - The tamil word have 15 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
e??akku?aichchal means
1. an instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity
2. lack of agreement; diversity; unlikeness

Transliteration : ēRRakkuRaiccal Other spellings : errakkuraichchal

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of errakkuraichchal in tamil

eṟṟattazchchi / ஏற்றத்தாழ்ச்சி
eṟṟattazvu / ஏற்றத்தாழ்வுuyarvu tazvu / உயர்வு தாழ்வுveṟṟumai / வேற்றுமை