kurri meaning in english

Word: குற்றி - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ku??i means
1. the part of a limb of the body remaining after the rest has been cut off.
2. a short remaining piece, as of a pencil, candle, or cigar.
3. a post to which a person is bound for execution, usually by burning.
4. a hollow masonry building unit of cement, terra cotta, etc.
5. something inert, heavy, or not sentient.

Transliteration : kuRRi Other spellings : kurri

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of kurri in tamil

tṟi / தறி
kutti / குத்தி

Identical words :

kuṟṟiyalikaram ( குற்றியலிகரம் ) - short ened in its quantity