ntpu meaning in english

Word: நட்பு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ntpu means
1. a friendly relation or intimacy.
2. mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship, especially between nations; peace ; accord.
3. Often, affections.
emotion; feeling; sentiment
4. connection between persons by blood or marriage .
5. close relationship or connection.
6. anything given or serving to persuade or induce

Transliteration : nṭpu Other spellings : ntpu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
affection bribe

Meaning of ntpu in tamil

chinekam / சிநேகம்
uṟvu / உறவுparitanam / பரிதானம்

Identical words :

As noun :
natpuvaittal ( நட்புவைத்தல் ) - showing kindness
natpukatta ( நட்புகாட்ட ) - to show kindness or friendshipnatputtanam ( நட்புத்தானம் ) - one of the five situations of a planet
Tamil to English
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