taza meaning in english

Word: தாழ - The tamil word have 3 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
taza means
1. on or to the ground, floor, or bottom
2. on, in, or toward a lower level, as a lower deck of a ship
3. underneath
4. of small extent upward; not high or tall

Transliteration : tāẕa Other spellings : taza

Meanings in english :

As adverb :
As adjective :
down low

Identical words :

tazkkol ( தாழக்கோல் ) - keytaznchngku ( தாழஞ்சங்கு ) - chank with wide mouthtazi ( தாழி ) - large pantazichai ( தாழிசை ) - one of the four subdivi sions of any of the four kinds of versetazai ( தாழை ) - wild plant found on sea shorestazankulai ( தாழங்குலை ) - fruit clustertazampu ( தாழம்பூ ) - fragrant flower of the planttazaimulai ( தாழைமுலை ) - root growing down ward from its branchestazaviza ( தாழவிழ ) - to fall downtazavita ( தாழவிட ) - to droptazappoka ( தாழப்போக ) - t descendtazanatpu ( தாழாநட்பு ) - unfailing or undimin ished lovetazamalirukka ( தாழாமலிருக்க ) - to be without humilitytazamai ( தாழாமை ) - pridetazkuzal ( தாழ்குழல் ) - pendent female locks
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