Barber meaning in hindi - Barber का मतलब हिंदी में

Barber meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Barber
As noun : आईनादार Ex:  Ram goes to the barber to get his hair cut.
केशच्छिद Ex:  The barber trimmed off Ralph's beard . क्षैरिक Ex:  The barber whisked off the customer . खरालक Ex:  Rosa married Raymond Parks, a barber from Montgomery, at her mother's house. चिँउँटिया रेंगान Ex:  A comedic scene in the 2002 film Barbershop featured a cantankerous barber छुरिकार Ex:  One barber yelled the secret into a well but he didn't cover the well after. दिवाकीर्ति Ex:  A barber shop नखकुट्ट Ex:  , A barber shaves another, says when people of the same profession, or with a common interest, to support, praise reciprocally नखकुट्ट Ex:  , A barber shaves another, says when people of the same profession, or with a common interest, to support, praise reciprocally नाई उ:   अब सभी नाई इस स्थान पर ही बैठते हैं। भांडिल वात्सिपुत्र, वात्सीपुत्र श्मश्रुवर्द्धक सरतराश हज्जाम
Other : नापित उ:   उसी अभिमंत्रित छुरे से नापित द्वारा बाल काटे जाते हैं।
Barber ki paribhasha : sir aur daadhi ke baal mooandne ya kaatanevaala
Examples Words that rhyme with barber
Barber synonyms
hairdresser hair stylist cosmetologist coiffeur coiffeuse beautician shaver tonsorial artist
Usage of Barber in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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