Booty meaning in hindi - Booty का मतलब हिंदी में

Booty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Booty
As noun : नोचखसोट Ex:  The booty was sent to Charlemagne at his capital
बच्चे का ऊनी मोज़ा Ex:  They were either sold into slavery or given as booty to Caesar's legionaries बटपारी Ex:  The raiders had won much booty लुंटा Ex:  Income from war booty लुटंत ‡ Ex:  TAKE also said of those that are captured in the war is the war booty लूट का माल Ex:  The soldiers, following the order of the general, brought their captains all the booty they had made लूट का मालअ Ex:  There is a rich booty to do in these old manuscripts लूट Ex:  They were attracted by the hope of booty उ:   मुख्य तौर पर कोली लूट मार करके जिया करते थे। लोत्र
Other : गोड़ी Ex:  Thus enriched with enough booty to make Antioch wealthy for years उ:   दूध गोड़ी माई के आने से शरीर में छोटा-छोटा दाना आ जाता है।
Booty ki paribhasha : doosare ke padaarth ko lene ki kaamana kisi ke maal ka jabaradasti chhina jaana
Examples Words that rhyme with booty
Usage of Booty in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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