Bear example sentences

About this time there went a rumour throughout the valley that the great man, who was to bear a resemblance to the Great Stone Face, had appeared at last.Silver fox, mink, polar bear are the common animals found here.Murray case, which states that the solvent partners have to bear such loss in the ratio of their capitals as on the date of dissolution.People select plants that yield large-size grain, and have strong stalks, capable of bearing the weight of the ripe grain.लोग उन्हीं पौधों को चुनते हैं जिनसे बड़े दाने वाले अनाज पैदा होते हैं साथ ही जिनकी मज़बूत डंठले अनाज के पके दानों के भार को संभाल सकें|According to the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, a promissory note is defined as an instrument in writing (not being a bank note or a currency note), containing an unconditional undertaking signed by the maker, to pay a certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person, or to the bearer of the instrument.This required coolies, diggers, carriers, bricklayers, sewage cleaners, sweepers, palanquin bearers, rickshaw pullers.A company can raise funds through issue of debentures, which bear a fixed rate of interest.This has a direct bearing on poverty as a large number of poor people live in villages and are dependent on agriculture.The gametophytes bear male and female sex organs called antheridia and archegonia, respectively.Every currency note bears on its face a promise from the Governor of RBI that if someone produces the note to RBI, or any other commercial bank, RBI will be responsible for giving the person purchasing power equal to the value printed on the note.Bill of exchange is an order to the importer to pay a certain amount of money to, or to the order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.Bearer debentures are the debentures which can be transferred by way of delivery and the company does not keep any record of the debentureholders.As you can see from the illustration, at the centre of the picture is a goddess-like figureure, the angel of progress, bearing the flag of the new century.We must bear in mind that when Mendeleev developed his Periodic Table, chemists knew nothing about the internal structure of atom.Such harmful effects that the refinery is inflicting on others, for which it does not have to bear any cost, are called externalities.

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