General example sentences

Generally, laws that seek to ban something are not very successful in politics.A fixed charge is created on a specific asset whereas a floating charge is on the general assets of the company.These traders may be dealing in one particular line of merchandise, say fabrics or ready-made garments, toys, or crockery, or alternatively, they may be general merchants.However, there will be a Capital Fund or General Fund in place of the Capital and the surplus on deficit as per Income and Expenditure Account shall be added to/deducted to this fund.General skills include personal as well as intellectual skills.However, if there is specific instruction, it is advisable to treat the entire amount as capital receipt and the relevant amount should be directly added to capital/general fund.They are generally produced by the growing apices of the stems and roots, from where they migrate to the regions of their action.They generally take title of the goods and bear the business risks by purchasing and selling the goods in their own name.Generally, borrowed funds are provided on the security of some fixed assets.This is a general scheme of how nervous impulses travel in the body.The ionisation enthalpy values as expected from the general trends do not decrease smoothly down the group.To summarise, (a) traits are relatively stable over time, (b) they are generally consistent across situations, and (c) their strengths and combinations vary across individuals leading to individual differences in personality.Companies generally invite public deposits for a period upto three years.Realising the urgency of the situation on the World Water Day, on 22 March 2005, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed the period 2005–2015 as the International Decade for action on “Water for life”.A football match is generally over in an hour-and-a-half.

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