discussion meaning in marathi

Word: discussion
Meaning of discussion in english - talk with another

Meanings in marathi :

sampradhaar ( संप्रधार )
कथा- वार्ता
Synonyms of discussion
conference dialogue deliberation exchange review argument analysis controversy conversation discourse consultation examination symposium interview consideration scrutiny meeting debate dispute argumentation huddle contention dissertation powwow excursus colloquy altercation confabulation canvass disputation quarrel wrangling groupthink
Antonyms of discussion
quiet silence agreement harmony
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
disembodied a voicedisembodied voice from the skydisembodied voicedisembodieddisentanglementdisgracedisguisedisgust boredomdisgustdish made from wheat flour covered with sugardish made of a mixture of grains but kodish made of a mixture of grainsdish made of twisted bits of wheat doughdish made with fermented doughdishdishevelled tressesdishevelleddishonestdiskdislikedismaldismissaldisobedientdisorganizeddisorienteddispassiondispassionatedisplay of lightsdisplaydisposing of a corpse in water