flush meaning in marathi

Word: flush
Meaning of flush in english - flat, overflowing, abundant, blush, become or make pink or red, inundate with liquid

Meanings in marathi :

vod ( वोद )
uut ( ऊत )
Synonyms of flush
even square level smooth plane horizontal true planate well-off full liberal affluent lavish prodigal rich close generous opulent wealthy color freshness glow bloom ruddiness rosiness pinkness redness burn suffuse mantle rose flame rouge crimson redden color up go red pinken drench wash cleanse rinse expel flood hose eject swab
Antonyms of flush
uneven dishonest vertical lacking broken irregular rough upright needy thrifty wanting impoverished economical poor pale uncolor
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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