mark meaning in marathi

Word: mark
Meaning of mark in english - blemish, character, characteristic, symptom, criterion, standard, goal, target, importance, blemish, stain, characterize, see, notice

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
chinh ( चिन्ह )
As adjective :
vinat ( विनट )
namr ( नम्र )
Synonyms of mark
streak impression point stamp symbol spot imprint record score signature scar line scratch bruise stroke tag splotch logo check blot trademark cross label nick pock blaze trace brand smudge representation ticket autograph register blotch dent dot John Hancock brand name ink underlining X John Henry marking hallmark attribute image evidence peculiarity seal quality particularity index feature note type emblem trait virtue device earmark incision badge token indication idiosyncrasy distinction property affection proof significant indicia level yardstick gauge norm measure function duty use end object aim prey purpose ambition objective bull's eye result value effect standing dignity regard influence notability manifestation consequence eminence prestige fame underline pinpoint initial write inscribe letter chalk signify show indicate identify demonstrate illustrate evince exemplify remark exhibit individualize proclaim singularize betoken bespeak qualify distinguish signalize denote designate check off point out show up individuate mark off ostend point up set apart stake out observe attend chronicle watch mind perceive hearken behold discern view pay attention pay heed take notice of
Antonyms of mark
blank clarity unimportance source lowliness heedlessness ignorance inferiority insignificance cause neglect mend smooth lose conceal hide confuse cover ignore disregard disbelieve look away
Identical words :
As adjective :
marked - ankit ( अंकित )
mark made with kuṅkuma powder - chiri ( चिरी )
mark drawn on the forehead - tikuli ( टिकुली )
mark on the forehead - tila ( टीळा )
marked with three lines - tirekhin ( तीरेखीं )
market place - pedhi ( पेढी )
marking nut - bibava ( बिबवा )
mark daubed or smeared on the forehead - malavat ( मळवट )
marked daubed or smeared on the forehead - malivat ( मळिवट )
market named after lord kṛṣṇa - raamahaat ( रामहाट )
mark on viṣṇus chest - shrivachh ( श्रीवछ )
market rate - haatadhaaran ( हाटधारण )
marketing agent or officer - hatisaahaani ( हातिसाहानी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
marked daubed or smeared on the foreheadmarked with three linesmarkedmarket named after lord kṛṣṇamarket placemarket ratemarketmarketing agent or officermarking nutmarriage altarmarriage by forcemarriage ceremonymarriage ritualmarriagemarriageable girlmarried lifemarried woman who leaves her husband and goes to live with another manmarshy landmarvelmarvellousmarāṭhā or mahārāṣṭrianmarāṭhīmash of boiled milletmashmashed grassmaskmass of lightmass or crowd of peoplemassmassage and a hot-water bath