Stable meaning in hindi - Stable का मतलब हिंदी में

Stable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stable
As noun : अश्वकुटी Ex:  The 98% grade is more stable in storage
अश्वशाला Ex:  The period from roughly 750 to 1150 saw the kingdom stable and prosperous अश्वसंस्था Ex:  Ice shelves are not stable when surface melting occurs अस्तबल में रखना Ex:  The ice sheet is now 40% the size of its previous minimum stable extent. अस्तबल Ex:  Today the Fisher house , garage , pool house , stable , Mrs. घुड़दौड़ के घोड़े Ex:  Things like health relied on a stable proportion of elements घुड़साल Ex:  The economy had been stable since 2000 due to increased tourism घोडसार Ex:  The stable particles would escape the detector तबेला Ex:  Winters are somewhat more stable तुरंगशाला Ex:  The eleventh century saw England become more stable तुरंगस्थान Ex:  Electrons are most stable at their lowest energy level or ground state पाइग्गाह Ex:  Of the first 82 elements, 80 have stable isotopes. प्रगीव Ex:  Most naturally occurring elements have more than one stable isotope. बधनस्थान Ex:  16 have only one stable isotope रथशाला Ex:  GMCs can exist in a stable state for long periods of time वाजिशाला Ex:  With her health stable संतुलित Ex:  The entire region is very stable tectonically उ:   ठण्डी और गरम हवा के उपयोग से हमारे शरीर का तापमान संतुलित रहता है। हयगृह Ex:  It particularly means, figuratively, Put in a state, in an advantageous employment in a stable condition हयशाला Ex:  Making firmer, more stable हयसाला Ex:  Metal very hard, very heavy and very stable at high temperatures
As adjective : अक्र Ex:  His stable has different stalls for different hosrses. अक्षणिक Ex:  The chemistry teachers was explanning us about stable compounds. अक्षणिक Ex:  The chemistry teachers was explanning us about stable compounds. अचल Ex:  The electrons surrounding the nucleus occupy a set of stable energy levels उ:   हिमालय की तरह अचल और अटल। अचौकी Ex:  By 1929, a stable currency, the Kroon , was established. अड़िग Ex:  He did not get back to a stable financial situation for several years अतिसर्ग Ex:  A regular cadre provided a stable nucleus. अनपायनी Ex:  The huge East Torrens was not to prove as stable as Norwood-Kensington. अमोर Ex:  Most stars are relatively stable अवचल Ex:  See discussion of a stable habitable zone above. अविलास Ex:  One of the most stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states इकताना Ex:  Antiparticles and some stable antimatter can be made in tiny amounts इस्थिर Ex:  These two developments allowed for a stable rotor system गैरमनकूला Ex:  Growth in real output has averaged a stable 5% in the past six years टगमग Ex:  A new stable industry तस्थु Ex:  Many Trotskyist organizations are also active in more stable थाइल Ex:  It was the gate towards a more stable and lasting "natural state". ध्रुवि Ex:  In patients who have multiple blockages and who are relatively stable निःकंप Ex:  Intermediate strength hydrochloric acid solutions are quite stable निभृत Ex:  Mali is one of the most politically and socially stable countries in Africa. निरिग Ex:  Though flax seeds are chemically stable while whole परमनेंट Ex:  Its current stable release is version परमनेंट Ex:  Its current stable release is version पाइंदा Ex:  Sodium sulfate is chemically very stable पायंदा Ex:  Elements 43 and 61 have no stable isotopes, and decay. प्रतिनियत Ex:  In this example, carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable atoms बरकरार Ex:  The largest number of stable isotopes that occur for an element is 10 . उ:   फाउंडेशन के सदस्यों को वीटो का अधिकार बरकरार रहती है। वर्तिष्णु Ex:  Georgia was mostly stable by the late 1990s. विजड़ित Ex:  Due to its stable and high growth economy विनिश्चल Ex:  The Church remained the most stable element in the Byzantine Empire. विनिष्कंप Ex:  As the only stable long-term state in Europe during the Middle Ages सन्तुलित Ex:  The existence of stable clusters of four neutrons उ:   शरीर के लिए आवश्यक सन्तुलित आहार लम्बे समय तक नहीं मिलना ही कुपोषण है। समवृत्ति Ex:  Iran-Iraqi relations were stable सुनिश्र्चल Ex:  Kazakhstan has stable relationships with all of its neighbors. स्तिमित Ex:  Not all these empires were equally stable or successful . स्थायी Ex:  Bat-wing, Coin Wood suspended between the horses in the stable उ:   स्थायी जीवन वास्तव में पारलौकिक जीवन है। स्थायुक Ex:  Character of what is stable स्थास्नु Ex:  In order to stay in the same place, in the same state, to remain stable at not being moved स्थास्नु Ex:  In order to stay in the same place, in the same state, to remain stable at not being moved स्थिर Ex:  It is, by extension, to the limited space by partitions, which is intended for horse in a stable उ:   इसे सब मिलकर स्थिर रखेंगे, बढ़ाते रहेंगे। स्थिरगंध Ex:  It means, by extension who is not stable
Other : घुडसाल में रखना या बांधना Ex:  Switzerland has a stable modern mixed market economy घुडसाल में रहना Ex:  Merivale proved to be a stable influence for Leigh घुडसाल Ex:  Oils that are more stable घुड़साल में रखना या बांधना Ex:  The surrounding areas are safe, stable and scenically spectacular. घुड़साल में रहना Ex:  Both orders have therefore been stable for at least 3000 years. टिकाऊ Ex:  Because of the wide bandwidth and stable signals required ठहराऊ Ex:  With the situation in Europe and Asia relatively stable थिर Ex:  It is stable for indefinite amounts of time if stored पायदार Ex:  The elements from 83 to atomic number 94 that have no stable nuclei सुदृढ़ Ex:  Known as the most stable सुस्थिर Ex:  Its history is divided into a series of stable periods स्थाई साम्य Ex:  A stable Block स्थावर Ex:  Enclose horses in a stable उ:   संस्कृतियों की स्थावर संरचना बनायी गयी थी।
Stable ki paribhasha : anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho u—tulasis pavan nndan atal kruddh yuddh kautuk karai jaldi na tootane phootane ya nasht honevaala kisi kaary ko nishchit karaanevaala jisaki vyavastha bhali bhaaanti ki gai ho nity ya shaashvat bhaavana athava koi bhi tikaaou vastu, dradh sthiti ya dasha vah sthaan jahaaan ghode baaandhe jaate aur gaadi, ekke aadi savaariyaaan rakhi jaati hon saat ki snkhya ka vaachak shabd jyotish men vrash sinha, vrashchik aur kunbh ye chaar raashiyaaan, jo sthir maani gai hain
Examples Words that rhyme with stable
Usage of Stable in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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