animation meaning in tamil

Word: animation - The english word have 9 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of animation in english - liveliness, activity

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
parimalippu ( பரிமளிப்பு )

Identical words :

animation of the foetus in the womb - chivoṟpatti ( சீவோற்பத்தி )

Synonyms of animation

energy bounce vim dash gaiety zing brio buoyancy zap zip elation pep sparkle passion fervor enthusiasm vigor life sprightliness zest ardor vitality spirit oomph zeal verve ebullience excitement exhilaration action élan briskness esprit vivacity vibrancy dynamism

Antonyms of animation

idleness inactivity laziness lethargy lifelessness sadness apathy enervation calm calmness indifference coolness coldness dullness unhappiness depression
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