assumption meaning in tamil

Word: assumption - The english word have 10 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of assumption in english - taking something for granted, something expected, assuming possession, power, arrogance

Meanings in tamil :

periyavennam ( பெரியவெண்ணம் )

Identical words :

assumption of a body by a deity - avtarm ( அவதாரம் )
assumption of a character - attam ( ஆட்டம் )

Synonyms of assumption

presumption guess hunch theory inference acceptance expectation supposition hypothesis premise suspicion belief conjecture shot fancy postulation stab presupposition postulate surmise shot in the dark supposal theorization accepting sneaking suspicion appropriation undertaking usurpation seizure adoption grab arrogation acquisition takeover embracing shouldering taking on taking up nerve chutzpah sass conceit self-importance brass pride insolence cockiness

Antonyms of assumption

reality measurement disbelief knowledge doubt genuineness naturalness realness truth proof fact unexpected rejection modesty shyness humility
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