annihilation meaning in telugu

Word: annihilation
Meaning of annihilation in english - utter destruction., abolition

Meanings in telugu :

sadamadamu ( సదమదము )

Synonyms of annihilation

liquidation eradication extermination elimination extinction demolition obliteration massacre ruin slaughter extinguishment decimation demolishment dissolution erasure retraction voidance invalidation expunction abrogation negation annulment nullification cancellation

Antonyms of annihilation

building construction permission allowance

Related English Telugu Meaning

anniversary ofdeathannoyannoyanceannoyedannoyingannual mourning fannual plantannuallyanof neuter nouns and of masculine nouns that take neuter form asanointinganother form isanother form ofanother mananother meaning is in useanother name of gaṇēsaanother placeanother thinganotheranswer in itselfanswer
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