ask meaning in telugu

Word: ask
Meaning of ask in english - question, request, invite

Meanings in telugu :

kōru ( కోరు )

Identical words :

asking - yaachakamu ( యాచకము )
asked - prishtamu ( పృష్టము )

Synonyms of ask

inquire challenge quiz demand grill needle hit investigate institute catechize pump interrogate direct examine sweat roast enjoin canvass query buzz cross-examine go over pop the question give the third degree hunt for pry into put the screws to put through the wringer pick one's brains urge sue claim plead beg call for charge appeal seek order petition knock beseech mooch angle pray bite impose levy entreat implore crave requisition command solicit bum touch apply supplicate promote hustle contend for file for summon propose suggest bid

Antonyms of ask

reply ignore claim insist repudiate answer command tell disinvite deny disclaim disapprove

Related English Telugu Meaning

askedaskingaslakeaslantaslaying henasleaderaslegaslimbasliquidaspassionaspen in writingaspersionaspirated letteraspirated p pronounced like phaspiringasproper nameasreligious vowasrelish the principal foodasreward of which the hand ofheroine is bestowed on the victorasripe fruit
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