bully meaning in telugu

Word: bully
Meaning of bully in english - domineering person, intimidate, push around

Meanings in telugu :

gaddianchu ( గద్దించు )

Identical words :

As adjective :
bullying - dattan ( దట్టన )

Synonyms of bully

oppressor rascal ruffian tough tease rowdy bulldozer hector pest insolent browbeater intimidator annoyer tormenter persecutor harrier antagonizer coercer terrorize torture bludgeon harass persecute threaten menace cow bluster tyrannize swagger enforce dragoon showboat overbear buffalo despotize lean on ride roughshod turn on the heat

Antonyms of bully

alleviate aid delight help please make happy relieve boost allow

Related English Telugu Meaning

bullyingbulrush sedgebulrushbulrushesbulwarkbumpbunbunch of areca nutsbunch of flowersbunch of fruitbunch of threadsbunchbundbundle in which things are arranged inbundle of fibres of threadbundle of grassbundle of haybundle of leavesbundle of papers tied together inclothbundle of seven
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