device meaning in telugu

Word: device
Meaning of device in english - instrument, tool, ploy, scheme, maneuver, symbol, emblem

Meanings in telugu :

veravu ( వెరవు )

Synonyms of device

gear apparatus gadget material appliance mechanism accessory machine equipment creation agent invention gimmick arrangement rigging makeshift resort contraption medium means utensil outfit construction contrivance tackle article resource doohickey expedient implement whatnot thingamabob whatchamacallit Rube Goldberg invention whatsit design method strategy stratagem cabal machination fake trick proposition artifice racket plot evasion pattern loophole dodge feint game craft plan craftiness stunt improvisation chicanery finesse ruse project subterfuge wile gambit purpose clever move cunningness insignia motif colophon figure ensign token badge logo slogan motto crest

Antonyms of device

destruction ruin disorganization reality frankness honesty ignorance truthfulness

Related English Telugu Meaning

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