funny meaning in telugu

Word: funny
Meaning of funny in english - comical, humorous, odd, peculiar

Meanings in telugu :

sarasamu ( సరసము )

Synonyms of funny

whimsical droll ludicrous playful ridiculous silly amusing hilarious entertaining absurd riot gay gas humdinger killing antic rich slapstick jolly blithe capricious clever facetious farcical good-humored hysterical jocose jocular joking laughable merry mirthful priceless riotous risible sportive waggish witty diverting screaming for grins gelastic knee-slapper side-splitting unusual strange mysterious curious weird bizarre queer dubious fantastic perplexing puzzling remarkable

Antonyms of funny

sensible logical wise boring tiring dramatic melancholy tragic standard usual reasonable serious sad unhappy unamusing common normal unfunny familiar

Related English Telugu Meaning

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