Meaning of alind in english

Interpreting alind - अलिन्द
As noun : auricle उ:   हृदय में दो अलिंद और एक निलय होता हैं।
platform Ex:  The level of the platform is very high. उ:   हृदय एक अलिंद तथा एक निलय, दो खंडों में बँटा रहता है। portico Ex:  This can most simply be described as a recessed portico उ:   अलिंद शाखा में रक्त थक्का बन्ने का सबसे अधिक संभावना होता है।
Other : terrace Ex:  The rainwater on the terrace passed through the gargoyle. balcony Ex:  He grows flowers in his balcony in flowerpots. poet. terrace atria Ex:  The ventricles are larger than the atria and their walls are thick auricle atrium Ex:  In the heart there is one atrium and one ventricle for each circulation
Suggested : Anatomy

Word of the day
alind and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : alinda

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