Meaning of baramada in english

Interpreting baramada - बरामदा
As noun : porch उ:   राजस्थानी भाषा में साल का अर्थ कक्ष और दालान का अर्थ बरामदा है।
veranda Ex:  It also says a veranda Sort in colonial houses gallery Ex:  The New Tretyakov gallery passage Ex:  After its perihelion passage verandah balcony Ex:  Proscenium Loges, balcony
Other : stoep portico Ex:  The Portico, the doctrine of the Porch, the school, the doctrine of the philosopher Zeno, who gave his lessons under a portico of Athens
Suggested : a balustraded or railed elevated platform projecting from the wall of a building Also, verandah Chiefly South Midland and Southern US a large, open porch, usually roofed and partly enclosed, as by a railing, often extending across the front and sides of a house gallery a portion or section of a written work a paragraph, verse, etc a raised area, often having a stepped or sloping floor, in a theater, church, or other public building to accommodate spectators, exhibits, etc an exterior appendage to a building, forming a covered approach or vestibule to a doorway
Exampleबरामदा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of baramada

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Usage of बरामदा:
1. इस दौरान निगम ने इन दुकानदारों को तीन फुट का बरामदा भी साथ इस्तेमाल को दिया था bhaskar.com2. इस दौरान निगम ने इन दुकानदारों को तीन फुट का बरामदा भी साथ इस्तेमाल को दिया था bhaskar.com3. - इसके बीच एक बड़ा बरामदा है, जो किले की दो... bhaskar.comRelated words :
baramada can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Persian language . Transliteration : baraamadaa

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