Meaning of dhabba in english

Interpreting dhabba - धब्बा
As noun : spot Ex:  Marble statuary marble to own statues, that is without spot or vein, unlike the one we used for architectural works उ:   इसमे धब्बा रहित सफेद झिल्ली होती है।
blot उ:   यह अंडाकार धब्बा छः घंटे की अवधि के साथ वामावर्त घूर्णन करता है। smudge उ:   उसने यह भी पुष्टि की कि विशाल लाल धब्बा प्रतिचक्रवाती था। blob speckle speck blur Ex:  Substantively, The blur of a painting, a sculpture daub discoloration Ex:  If the discoloration is deeper or in the dentin tarnish Ex:  This dish begins to tarnish smear smut fleck splash discolouration splotch splodge mark Ex:  Prussia used a Thaler containing one-fourteenth of a Cologne mark of silver. patch Ex:  In terms of veterinary Art, it means the application of a poultice, a patch or other topical on any part of the body of a sick or injured animal soil Ex:  It also causes the death of plants and important soil micro-organisms.
As verb : stain Ex:  Mark, a dirty stain उ:   कहानी में उल्लेख है कि धधकती आग के आसपास एक धब्बा है।
Suggested : a globule of liquid bubble a discoloration produced by foreign matter having penetrated into or chemically reacted with a material a spot not easily removed a dirty mark or smear a spot or stain, especially of ink on paper a rounded mark or stain made by foreign matter, as mud, blood, paint, ink, etc a blot or speck
Exampleधब्बा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of dhabba Antonyms of dhabba

Word of the day
Usage of धब्बा:
1. गफ्फार ने सुनाया कि काला धन लाओ मत लाओ, काला धब्बा धुलवा दो bhaskar.com2. किसानों का पलायन झारखंड के लिए धब्बा : रघुवर LiveHindustanRelated words :
As verb : 
धब्बा ड़ालना - smudge
dhabba can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of language by locals . Transliteration : dhabbaa

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