Meaning of ghada in english

Interpreting ghada - घडा
Other : ewer Ex:  A ewer covered उ:   " और कहते है, "यह तो एक घड़ा हुआ झूठ है।
pitcher Ex:  The nine positions most commonly used are: pitcher उ:   ३. यह घड़ा है भी और नही भी है। pitcher Ex:  The battery is composed of the pitcher उ:   अर्थात् कुएं में मिट्टी का घडा है। pail उ:   जितनी देर में एक घडा पानी भी खाली नहीं किया जा सकता। water-pitcher water-pot jug Ex:  Dab a jug of oil jar
Suggested : a broad-mouthed container, usually cylindrical and of glass or earthenware a large container usually made of earthenware, metal, or glass, commonly having a handle, a narrow neck, and sometimes a cap or cork bucket a container, usually with a handle and spout or lip, for holding and pouring liquids
Exampleघडा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ghada

Word of the day
ghada and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ghaDaa

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