Meaning of kardam in english

Interpreting kardam - कर्दम
Other : mud Ex:  my feet were encased in mud उ:   कर्दम और देवहूति से इनकी उत्पत्ति मानी गई है।
defilement Ex:  It is used figuratively and means Integrity , righteousness, innocence, exemption alteration, corruption, defilement उ:   कर्दम के ऊपर एक सचल ढक्कन रखा जाता है। name of a prajapati उ:   जयप्रकाश कर्दम एक हिन्दी साहित्यकार हैं। slime Ex:  Capsules or slime layers are produced by many bacteria to surround their cells उ:   अरुन्धती कर्दम ऋषि और देवहूति की नौ कन्याओं में से आठवीं कन्या थी। mire Ex:  He was born in the mire उ:   उपयोग की गई कर्दम दूसरे निकास द्वार से बाहर निकाल दी जाती है। sin Ex:  According to the grievousness of sin slurry Ex:  Raney nickel is typically supplied as a 50-percent slurry in water.
Suggested : a thin mixture of an insoluble substance, as cement, clay, or coal, with a liquid, as water or oil transgression of divine law a tract or area of wet, swampy ground bog marsh thin, glutinous mud wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, or along the banks of a river mire
Exampleकर्दम का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kardam

Word of the day
Usage of कर्दम:
1. आचार्य शास्त्री ने कथा में कर्दम देवाहुति के विवाह के प्रसंग के उपरांत भगवान कपिल के जन्म की कथा सुनाई bhaskar.comRelated words :
As adjective : कर्दमय - muddy

kardam and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kardama

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