Meaning of lag jana in english

Interpreting lag jana - लग जाना
As noun : turn Ex:  It was attacked in the street in such a turning point, at the turn of a path
Other :
adhere Ex:  d Architecture Books sculpture where objects are represented projecting from a fund to which they adhere to hit Ex:  Federer tends to hit his groundstrokes early to attend Ex:  Pope Gregory X directed Aquinas to attend the Second Council of Lyons. attend Ex:  Pope Gregory X directed Aquinas to attend the Second Council of Lyons. to address Ex:  While "Hey Jude" was intended to address Julian Lennon to adhere hit Ex:  Federer tends to hit his groundstrokes early address Ex:  While "Hey Jude" was intended to address Julian Lennon
Suggested : a speech or written statement, usually formal, directed to a particular group of persons to deal a blow or stroke to to be present at to stay attached stick fast cleave cling (usually followed by to ) to cause to move around on an axis or about a center rotate
Exampleलग जाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of lag jana

Word of the day
lag jana can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : laga jaanaa

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