bhakane meaning in english

भ का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : भ

Transliteration : bhakaNe

Other spellings : bhakane
to criticize
to censure

Identical words :

As noun :
bhaktipisen ( भक्तिपिसें ) - devotional infatuationbhagao ( भगओ ) - ascetic used derogatorly
As adverb :
bhagakari ( भगकरि ) - flashingly
As adjective :
bhaktijad ( भक्तिजड ) - deeply involved in bhaktibhaktipurassar ( भक्तिपुरस्सर ) - born of bhaktibhaktivachhal ( भक्तिवछळ ) - who loves his devotees
As transitive verb :
bhakhalane ( भखलणे ) - to drive away
bhakt ( भक्त ) - devoteebhaktakaajakaivaari ( भक्तकाजकैवारी ) - one who takes his devotees' sidebhakti ( भक्ति ) - devotion to a godbhaktijan ( भक्तिजन ) - devoteesbhaktipanth ( भक्तिपंथ ) - the way of devotion to Godbhaktimaali ( भक्तिमाली ) - group of devoteesbhaktivaad ( भक्तिवाद ) - the way of bhaktibhang ( भंग ) - defeat
Marathi to English