bhuut meaning in english

भूत का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : भूत

Transliteration : bhuuta

Other spellings : bhuut

Identical words :

As noun :
bhuutabhajan ( भूतभजन ) - food served to humans and deities
bhuutakhich ( भूतखीच ) - gruel served to ghostsbhuutagraam ( भूतग्राम ) - all beings or the five elements, collectivelybhuutacheshta ( भूतचेष्टा ) - activity of a living beingbhutanaath ( भूतनाथ ) - the lord of the five elementsbhuutabaadhabaadha ( भूतबाध--बाधा ) - possession by a ghostbhutamela ( भूतमेळा ) - gathering of ghosts associated with the god Śivabhuutaundi ( भूतौंडी ) - lump of food offered to ghosts
Marathi to English