sel meaning in english

सेल का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : सेल

Transliteration : sela

Other spellings : sel
sharp, pointed weapon
select or choice portionstature

Identical words :

As noun :
selana ( सेलना ) - type of weaponselabhaag ( सेलभाग ) - select or choice portionselavan ( सेलवन ) - land on the slope of a mountainselavaanta ( सेलवांटा ) - select or choice portionselaatiselaanti ( सेलाटी-सेलांटी ) - long, thin branch of a tree
As transitive verb :
selane ( सेलणे ) - - GR Ṭīkā
selavata ( सेलवटा ) - the choicest portion of somethingsela ( सेला ) - silk garmentselaamudi ( सेलामुदी ) - the ritual of presenting a shawl and a ring to the groom at a weddingselaara ( सेलारा ) - maker of arrowsseluti ( सेलुटी ) - type of tree?selebhaale ( सेलेभाले ) - weapons
Marathi to English