ataikklm meaning in english

Word: அடைக்கலம் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ataikklm means
1. the protection or refuge afforded by such a thing
2. International Law.
a refuge granted an alien by a sovereign state on its own territory.
3. a place of shelter, protection, or safety.

Transliteration : aṭaikklm Other spellings : ataikklm

Meanings in english :

As noun :
obtaining protection taking refuge shelter deposit entrusted to one refuge place of shelter

Meaning of ataikklm in tamil

charanpukal / சரண்புகல்
patukavaṟ koppittaporul / பாதுகாவற் கொப்பித்தபொருள்pukalitam / புகலிடம்

Identical words :

ataikkalampuka ( அடைக்கலம்புக ) - to fly to one for shelter
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