ashtalokapaspam meaning in english

Word: அஷ்டலோகபஸ்பம் - The tamil word have 13 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ashtalokapaspam means
1. coin made of this metal; specie; money
2. a metallic reddish brown.
3. something hard, strong, rigid , unyielding, or the like
4. a utensil, ornament, or other article made of such an alloy.
5. to conduct by holding and guiding
6. a piece of this metal used as an element in a voltaic cell .

Transliteration : aṣṭalōkapaspam Other spellings : ashtalokapaspam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
iron brass lead

Meaning of ashtalokapaspam in tamil

velli / வெள்ளி
chempu / செம்புirumpu / இரும்புvenklm / வெண்கலம்tra / தராvangkam / வங்கம்tuttanakam / துத்தநாகம்
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