chotanaipanna meaning in english

Word: சோதனைபண்ண - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chotanaipanna means
1. to scatter or sprinkle through or by means of a sieve
2. to conduct a scrutiny .
3. to look at or examine
4. to test the effect or result of

Transliteration : cōtaṉaipaṇṇa Other spellings : chotanaipanna

Meanings in english :

Meaning of chotanaipanna in tamil

chotanaiparkka / சோதனைபார்க்க
teyvanchotikka / தெய்வஞ்சோதிக்க

Identical words :

chotanaipannipparkka ( சோதனைபண்ணிப்பார்க்க ) - to find out a result by experiment
Tamil to English
English To Tamil