cheyl meaning in english

Word: செயல் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
cheyl means
1. a company having a franchise to represent another.
2. to keep under close watch in order to prevent escape, misconduct, etc.
3. a thing, person, or group that protects
4. ground of this kind, as wet, slimy soil of some depth or deep mud.
5. Informal. scandalous or malicious assertions or information
6. the process of doing
7. something done or performed; act; deed.
8. doings, deeds; proceedings; happenings; events.

Transliteration : ceyl Other spellings : cheyl

Meanings in english :

As noun :
mire mud act doing

Meaning of cheyl in tamil

teyvachcheyal / தெய்வச்செயல்
ozukkm / ஒழுக்கம்kavl / காவல்cheṟu / சேறுtozil / தொழில்

Identical words :

cheyalketa ( செயல்கெட ) - to be deprived of power or energy
Tamil to English
English To Tamil