kruvi meaning in english

Word: கருவி - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kruvi means
1. a contrivance or apparatus for producing musical sounds
2. any instrument of manual operation.
3. an article of equipment, as household furniture, clothing, ecclesiastical vestments, or the like.
4. to intend for a particular purpose, destination, etc.
5. a similar seat on a bicycle, tractor, etc.
6. a group of persons gathered together, usually for a particular purpose, whether religious, political, educational, or social.
7. the state of being concatenated ; connection, as in a chain.
8. Physics. the molecular force between particles within a body or substance that acts to unite them. Compare adhesion

Transliteration : kruvi Other spellings : kruvi

Meanings in english :

As noun :
assembly concatenation cohesion clouds

Meaning of kruvi in tamil

ayutappotu / ஆயுதப்பொது
akakkaruvipu ṟakkaruvikal / அகக்கருவிபு றக்கருவிகள்upakaranam / உபகரணம்kavacham / கவசம்kutiraikkallanai / குதிரைக்கல்லணைkuttm / கூட்டம்totarpu / தொடர்புmekam / மேகம்yaz / யாழ்ntpu / நட்புpanchakaruvi / பஞ்சகருவி

Identical words :

As noun :
karuvikazalal ( கருவிகழலல் ) - being greatly exhausted
karuviriya ( கருவிரிய ) - to earkaruvirintapayir ( கருவிரிந்தபயிர் ) - earing cornkaruvizi ( கருவிழி ) - apple of the eyekaruvila ( கருவிளா ) - treekaruvikaranankal ( கருவிகரணங்கள் ) - facultieskaruvikaranatikal ( கருவிகரணாதிகள் ) - powers and faculties of the soul and bodykaruvikantam ( கருவிகாண்டம் ) - primerkaruvikuṟaiya ( கருவிகுறைய ) - to be reduced as the powers of the body and mind near deathkaruvinul ( கருவிநூல் ) - elementary bookskaruvipputtil ( கருவிப்புட்டில் ) - scabbard or other sheath for instrumentskaruvippai ( கருவிப்பை ) - barber's bag or instrument casekruvili ( கருவிலி ) - class of snakeskruvilm ( கருவிளம் ) - winding creeperkaruvilanaṟumpu ( கருவிளநறும்பூ ) - term applied to a metrical foot of four syllables
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