kutori meaning in english

Word: குடோரி - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kutori means
1. to cut or rend into strips; split.
2. Optics. a monochromatic aberration of a lens or other optical system in which the image from a point source cannot be brought into focus, the image of a point having the shape of a comet.

Transliteration : kuṭōri Other spellings : kutori

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of kutori in tamil

kiṟṟu / கீற்று
maruntukkutori / மருந்துக்குடோரிvankamanal / வங்கமணல்vengkarm / வெங்காரம்vel laippashanam / வெள் ளைப்பாஷாணம்
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