kumiz meaning in english

Word: குமிழ் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kumiz means
1. composed of or having globules.
2. a small globule of gas in a thin liquid envelope.
3. excess body fat.
4. any of various buttonlike, usually ornamental objects, mounted on a shank that is passed through an article of clothing to fasten it

Transliteration : kumiẕ Other spellings : kumiz

Meanings in english :

As adjective :

Meaning of kumiz in tamil

க்கிறேன் / க்கிறேன்
த்தேன் / த்தேன்ப்பேன் / ப்பேன்க்க / க்கதிரள / திரளnirkkumizi / நீர்க்குமிழிtirantavativam / திரண்டவடிவம்

Identical words :

As noun :
kumizppu ( குமிழ்ப்பு ) - bubbling up
kumizvantu ( குமிழ்வண்டு ) - perforating beetle
Tamil to English
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