kummtti meaning in english

Word: கும்மட்டி - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
kummtti means
1. in many cases.

Transliteration : kummṭṭi Other spellings : kummtti

Meanings in english :

jumping about leaping moving about often Ex: Smetana is often (கும்மட்டி) added to soups and salads. kind of rustic dance

Meaning of kummtti in tamil

kutikontuvilaiyatal / குதிகொண்டுவிளையாடல்
a drum as kummattam / a drum as கும்மட்டம்

Identical words :

kummattikutta ( கும்மட்டிகுத்த ) - to jump and romp about
Tamil to English
English To Tamil