marakkal meaning in english

Word: மரக்கால் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
marakkal means
1. any of various devices resembling this in shape or use.
2. any of various devices resembling this in shape or use.

Transliteration : marakkāl Other spellings : marakkal

Meanings in english :

As noun :
corn measure twelfth part of a a measure of eight madras puddies

Meaning of marakkal in tamil

commonlyமரக்கா / commonlyமரக்காஓர் முகத்தலளவைக்கருவி / ஓர் முகத்தலளவைக்கருவிunder கால் / under கால்

Identical words :

marakkaltuntu ( மரக்கால்துண்டு ) - deficiency in grain on a second measuring
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