nayachchol meaning in english

Word: நயச்சொல் - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
nayachchol means
1. a humorous or jesting remark.
2. a formal act or expression of civility, respect, or regard
3. a flattering compliment or speech; excessive, insincere praise.
4. a complaisant act.
5. a polite action or expression
6. showing warmth and friendliness; benign; pleasant

Transliteration : nayaccol Other spellings : nayachchol

Meanings in english :

As noun :
complaisance civility affability

Meaning of nayachchol in tamil

punnakaich chol / புன்னகைச் சொல்
ichchkm / இச்சகம்muka manvarttai / முக மன்வார்த்தைinchol / இன்சொல்
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