nittirai meaning in english

Word: நித்திரை - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
nittirai means
1. Botany. to assume, especially at night, a state similar to the sleep of animals, marked by closing of petals, leaves, etc.
2. marked by or resulting from sleepiness.
3. peace; tranquillity; calm.

Transliteration : nittirai Other spellings : nittirai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
sleep repose <

Identical words :

nittiraikkottavi ( நித்திரைக்கொட்டாவி ) - yawning from drowsinessnittiraichchukiyan ( நித்திரைச்சுகியன் ) - one given to drowsinessnittiraikolla ( நித்திரைகொள்ள ) - to sleepnittiraichotikka ( நித்திரைசோதிக்க ) - to examine if one is asleepnittiraichukam ( நித்திரைசுகம் ) - enjoyment of sleepnittiraichokam ( நித்திரைசோகம் ) - drowsinessnittiraiteliya ( நித்திரைதெளிய ) - to recover from drowsinessnittiraivizikka ( நித்திரைவிழிக்க ) - to be wakeful
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