tarnai meaning in english

Word: தாரணை - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
tarnai means
1. firmness in position.
2. even or regular in movement
3. securely fixed in place.
4. the state or fact of being established .
5. a person or thing long established in the same place or position.
6. the way in which a thing is constructed
7. the manner or way in which things are arranged
8. a command of a court or judge.

Transliteration : tārṇai Other spellings : tarnai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
establishment fixture construction

Meaning of tarnai in tamil

uṟuti / உறுதி
one of the eight அங்கயோகம் of the silent / one of the eight அங்கயோகம் of the silent
Tamil to English
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