A bit thick meaning in hindi

How to pronounce A bit thick
As noun : अकह
अजाय अनखौहा० अनलहता अनुचित उ:   उसने संपत्ति के एकाधिकार तथा उसके अनुचित स्वामित्व का विरोध किया। अन्यथाचार अयाथार्यिक असमीचीन असांम्प्रत ऊलजलूल गैरमुनासिब गैरवाजिब जबुर नाजायज नामाकूल नामुनासिब नावाजिब नाशाइस्ता बेढब बेतरीका बेमुनासिब विधर्मा
A bit thick synonyms
farfetched abstract overblown preposterous melodramatic pretentious extravagant distorted excessive inflated unrealistic overwrought exalted strained overdone steep artificial fabulous fantastic histrionic impossible sensational spectacular tall too much schmaltzy false hyperbolic fabricated stylized magnified bouncing embroidered amplified overestimated caricatural hammy highly colored out of proportion overkill too-too
A bit thick antonyms
believable factual real sensible realistic straight reasonable calm moderate depreciated minimized played down reduced understated unembellished unexaggerated
Usage of A bit thick in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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