A whole lot of meaning in hindi

How to pronounce A whole lot of
As noun : अंदधुंध Ex:  She bought a whole lot of tidies for her office table.
अगाधरुधिर Ex:  Don't go to a whole lot of trouble . अतिशयित अतिशायी अतें अत्यधिक उ:   ये अत्यधिक गुणकारी होती है। अध्यारुढ अमोगाँ उर्वरित उल्बण परिगाढ बंहिष्ठ बलीयस् बहीय बहुमुख भूरी मनमानिब ‡ महत सातिशय सुविस्तर
Usage of A whole lot of in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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