Abusive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Abusive
As noun : अपमानजनक Ex:  Many of the abusive priests had received counseling before being reassigned. उ:   जब किसी व्यक्ति के विरुद्ध कोई अपमानजनक कथन या भाषण किया जाता है।
As adjective : अकह Ex:  The corrupt politician was greeted with abusive epithets on his arrival. अजाय Ex:  She was incensed by abusive words. अत्याचारपूर्ण Ex:  She used abusive language in the party. अनखौहा० Ex:  motherfucker is abusive word. अनलहता Ex:  The news of her fathers heart attack was a shattering experience for her.
His abusive words gave a shattering blow to her self respect.
अनुचित Ex:  His first abusive action उ:   पिता ने उसके इस प्रकार आगमन को अनुचित कहते हुए उसे वापस लौटा दिया। अन्यथाचार Ex:  He was abusive to the network's affiliates, advertisers, producers, and talent. अपशब्दपूर्ण Ex:  Hubbard was regarded as abusive by some family members and former associates. अयाथार्यिक Ex:  Allegations have been made concerning abusive treatment of animals in the past असमीचीन Ex:  abusive Multiplication of paperwork असांम्प्रत Ex:  abusive privileges ऊलजलूल Ex:  Also said to all speeches, all wrote violent and abusive गलत Ex:  I will make him eat his words well is said to express that prevent someone from using abusive language, or we will repent of having used उ:   गलत लेखा शीर्ष में सही पक्ष में प्रविष्टि। गाली देने वाला मुंहफट निन्दात्मक Ex:  It is mainly used colloquially to express employee abusive Influence various grades in the administration गैरमुनासिब Ex:  malignant Mockery, abusive गैरवाजिब Ex:  Procedure abusive जबुर दुरुपयुक्त दुर्व्यवहारपूर्ण नाजायज नामाकूल नामुनासिब नावाजिब नाशाइस्ता निन्दक कुत्सावादी प्रताड़नापूर्ण बेढब बेतरीका बेमुनासिब यौन उत्पीड़न संबंधी विधर्मा विस्खलित
Other : गाली देने वाला Ex:  laudatory epithet, outraged, exaggerated, abusive निन्दात्मक
Abusive synonyms
offensive insulting rude censorious defamatory derisive disparaging insolent invective libelous opprobrious sarcastic scathing scolding scurrilous sharp-tongued slanderous contumelious reviling vituperative calumniating castigating maligning obloquious reproachful traducing upbraiding vilifying
Abusive antonyms
kind respectful nice complimentary
Usage of Abusive in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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