Ad lib meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ad lib
As adverb : इच्छानुसार Ex:  he spoke ad lib उ:   अपने इच्छानुसार न करे। उपजोषण कामतह बिना तैयारी के देना यथेच्छ उ:   तू पन्द्रह दिन भोजन मत कर, केवल यथेच्छ जलपान कर ।
Ad lib ki paribhasha : jitana ya jaisa ji men aave, utana ya vaisa
Ad lib synonyms
extempore made-up extemporized according to pleasure as one thinks best as one wishes at will without restraint extemporaneously without preparation without rehearsal off the top of one's head speak extemporaneously speak impromptu speak off the cuff dream up envision fabricate create contrive discover hatch plot frame originate batch project brew design plan mature compound vamp scheme envisage cook up prefab slap together throw together ad hoc automatic casual expedient free immediate informal makeshift offhand snap unplanned unpremeditated unstudied at first glance by ear improvisatory improviso jamming off the top of head on impulse on-the-spot taking for ride thought out loud tossed off tossed out winging it come up with formulate craft construct forge work out mastermind arrange blueprint machinate chart brainstorm cast shape intrigue imagine spark cogitate get off head trip play it by ear whip up dope out fake it think up trump up knock off dash out do offhand improvisate play by ear toss off unscripted winged dashed off faked played by ear shot from the hip thrown off vamped whipped up coin slapdash dash off do off top of head make do fly-by-night hit-or-miss band-aid autoschediastic impetuous hasty violent abrupt instinctive passionate careless devil-may-care emotional flaky headlong intuitive involuntary precipitate quick rash sudden swift unexpected unpredictable up-and-down unconsidered gone off deep end hot-and-cold jumping the gun unmeditated unprompted fashion conceive bear initiate produce find execute compose author inaugurate mint improve come upon turn out bring into being blend combine fix fuse join meld merge mingle mix pretend put together write fictionalize fabulize storify off-hand simple inevitable irresistible natural unavoidable unconscious uncontrolled unintentional unsophisticated up front uncompelled unconstrained unforced break loose free spirited unartful unbidden uncontrived unpremediated vulnerable unaware ill-considered surprised unschooled unskilled untrained caught off guard napping not prepared taken off guard unready unpracticed not rehearsed spur of the moment do off the top of your head freely toss out off the hip immediately unconsciously impulsively automatically basic crude jerry-built primitive provisional unrefined thrown together wild-and-woolly spontaneity ad-libbing extemporizing
Ad lib antonyms
deliberate planned prepared rehearsed written deliberately write demolish destroy ruin wreck disorganize ignore tell truth forget neglect read disorder stop borrow devise premeditate design designed premediated sensible cautious considering heedful wise calm thoughtful premeditative terminate result pass by raze end finish lose miss fail hurt steal disagree be real intended premeditated sophisticated
Usage of Ad lib in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb, noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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