Addicted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Addicted
As noun : अपाकशाक Ex:  she is addicted to chocolate
आदी Ex:  At the time of his death he was addicted to heroin, his narcotic of choice. उ:   भारतीय पुराण में कइ वंश, युद्ध ,उपनिषद आदी हैं। कटुकंद Ex:  He was addicted to cocaine and became extremely paranoid कटुभद्र Ex:  A man addicted to women, a debauched महीजा राहुच्छत्र शार्ङ्ग श्रृंगवेरक सशाक सात्मीकृत स्वर्णभूमिका
As verb : अभिलीन Ex:  He was addicted to mescaline. आसक्त Ex:  With that definition, humans can become addicted to various drugs quickly. उ:   स्त्री पर जो आसक्त हैं उनको धर्म की प्राप्ति नहीं हो पाती। गृद्ध Ex:  adjectively, People browser, particularly people addicted to navigation जातकाम Ex:  be addicted to gambling प्रर्सित Ex:  In this sense, the past participle debauchery, EE, is used as a noun and refers to a man addicted to debauchery प्रह्ल Ex:  It also means Who is addicted navigation at sea फरेफ्ता Ex:  One who is addicted to bad women बदधराग Ex:  substantively, a mystic, a mystic, one, one that addicted to mysticism बदधस्नेह Ex:  These peoples were still in idolatry, addicted to idolatry बदधानुराग भोइ माइल मुंध मुग्ध उ:   इनका नृत्य कीर्तन देखकर जनता मुग्ध हो जाती तथा 'जै निताई-गौर' कहती। मुब्तला व्यतिषक्त शौंडि संप्रवृत समासक्त सानुराग
As adjective : आस्क्त Ex:  The files reveal that William Rehnquist had been addicted to Placidyl जेरदस्त Ex:  By extension, it is said of a person addicted to fully some passion, some habit वशंकृत वशीभूत उ:   काम्या को वह तांत्रिक अपने मालिक नेवला के लिए वशीभूत करता है। व्यसन उ:   व्यसन को रोकने में चिकित्सकों की अहम् भूमिका होती है। समायत्त स्ववस
Addicted ki paribhasha : vishay vaasana ke prati honevaala anuraag vishvaas maananevaala
Addicted synonyms
devoted obsessed hooked inclined absorbed accustomed predisposed habituated fanatic fond given to under the influence used to attached hyped imbued spaced out given over to prone to strung out wedded to
Addicted antonyms
indifferent unwilling disinclined independent opposed unaccustomed
Usage of Addicted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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